Groundwater quality assessment within the North West area Kaboodarahang to measure parameters of hydro-geochemistry

Document Type : Research Paper



The parameters of the electrical conductivity, calcium, chloride, magnesium, sodium, sulfate and bicarbonate contents, TDS and SAR  obtained from groundwater chemical analysis were used to evaluate the quality of under ground water resources in the Northwest plain of Kaboodarahang. The  data were interpreted from 18 samples of water quality in the distribution network of the selected villages in two periods (November 2008 and August 2009) using diagrams of Scholer, Piper, Wilcox, and Durov, and map of the hydro-geochemistry were performed. These studies have shown that the majority of the water resources for agricultural activities are classified in the category C2S1 and C3S1 (Conductivity Sodium Adsorption Ratio). Also this study remarks appropriate to acceptable quality for agricultural purposes. In criteria, drinking water quality in the plain is acceptable based on hardness quantity (279-500) and the Scholer graph. Water quality for the industrial activities has corrosive characteristic in all parts of the especially in Northwest of the Kaboodarahang plain.
