Biostratigraphy of Permo-Triassic succession at the Abadeh area, North of Fars Province


1 Department of Geology, Faculty of Science, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran

2 Technology University of Arak, Markazi province, Iran

3 , Faculty of Converging Sciences and Technologies, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch


In this research, Permo-Triassic boundary was studied in three stratigraphic sections at Abadeh area (Fars Province). For microfossils identification, was taken 170 samples from limestone strata (for foraminifera and algae) and 15 fine-grained clastic samples (for palynomorph identification) from upper parts of the Abadeh fm., the Hambast fm., and lower parts of the Elika Fm. (equivalent deposits). The study of thin sections and palynological slides led to identification of 48 species belong 43 genera of foraminifera and algae and 7 species belong to 6 genera of palynoflora.
Based on appearance and stratigraphy range of foraminifera in the upper parts of the Abadeh fm., four biozone including Frondina permica-Climacammina grandis Range Zone, Climacammina grandis-Chusenella sinensis Range Zone, Cribrogenerina sumatrana-Frondina permica Range Zone, Frondica permica Range Zone were proposed to early Julfian (early Wuchiapingian). In Hambast formation, based on foraminifera stratigraphic range three biozone including Tauridia nudiseptata Range Zone, Nodosinelloides mirabilis Range Zone, Globivalvulina vonderschmiti Range Zone were identified and base ond palynoflora stratigraphic range in this formation, was introduced informally an assemblage zone A and for these deposits was suggested late Julfian-Durashamian (late Wuchiapingian- Changhsingian). In equivalent deposits of Elika Formation was identified foraminifera (Globivalvulina Vonderschmiti) and palynomorphs (Alisporutes sp., Falcisporites sp.), spore and fungi. Based on stratigraphic range of palynoflora, was introduced an informal biozone assemblage zone B. Based on presence of fungal spores, the same dip, gradational of Permian-Triassic deposits boundary and absence of retrogradation and unconformity evidences, for equivalent deposits of Elika Formation was suggested Early Triassic (Induan). In this research, introduced biozones, have well correlation with introduced biozones from another region of the Iran and world.


Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript
Available Online from 21 July 2024
  • Receive Date: 14 March 2024
  • Revise Date: 10 July 2024
  • Accept Date: 20 July 2024