Estimation mechanism of earthquakes in active seismic areas around Kerman and Shiraz cities


1 Department of Geology, University of Kerman, Kerman, Iram

2 Department of Geology, Faculty of Science and Earthquake Research Center of Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Iran


Based on the solution of mechanisms in this study, Golbaf, Kuhbanan and Rafsanjan faults have a dominant right-lateral mechanism with a reverse component and Sarvestan fault has a pure reverse dominant mechanism. Earthquakes are mostly scattered around the city of Shiraz near the Sabzpooshan fault system and Borazjan fault. Solved mechanisms also show that earthquakes with a dominant right-lateral mechanism are related to the Karebas fault. Some earthquakes, which are related to the Sabzevaran fault are with the dominant mechanism of strike slip. Earthquakes of the Sabzpoushan fault are with the dominant mechanism of strike-slip right-lateral (N-S active plain). Mechanism of some earthquake is not compatible with any known faults in the range. In the interpretation of earthquakes in of all maps, the location error of the seismicity must also be considered. This error can reach up to ten kilometers (in some cases) due to the intermediate distance between the stations of the seismological networks.
The mechanism of some of these faults, which were studied in previous works (geologically or seismologically), are consistent with the mechanism solved in this study.
