The Efect of Trust fault Binalud and Nishabor On tectonics geomorphology on southern slopes basins in the Binalud Mountain

Document Type : Research Paper



Morphotectonic is the study of shapes and forms that evolved on the Earth's surface caused by tectonic. Binalud thrust fault along the east-west fault Nishabor, caused fundamental changes in the longitudinal profile of the region's rivers. In this study, we used indicators of geomorphometry of catchment and drainage network, including index, serration mountain front Smf, the gradient of valley-Sl, symmetry index topographic cross T asymmetry index rivers in the catchment area AF, the shape of the basin BS, and including geomorphological studies in five basins Baghrod, Bojan, Kharve, Darrod and Gorin. Topographic maps, geology map, aerial photographs and digital elevation model and ArcGIS 10.1 were used for analysis of regional tectonic geomorphology. The results confirm the southern slopes of Binalud uplifted due to subduction thrust fault West ward, is tectonics. According to Review done Check out the 5 selected watershed basins by Baghrod and Bojan tectonically more active the Gorin and Kharve are more active than the rest of the studied areas.


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