Mining characteristic and its Relationship to the Microfacies and Sedimentary Environment of the lower Cretaceous Succession in the Deh-Sorkh mine, (Southwestern of Esfahan)

Document Type : Research Paper



To determine the relationship between the mining and sedimentology characteristics of carbonate deposits of Lower Cretaceous (Aptian) in Deh-Sorkh mine of Isfahan, a section with thickness of about 182 meters, was studied. According to field studies and lithological characteristics of this succesion, it can be separated into three different lithostratigraphic units. The first unit (E1 unit) is composed of thin to medium bedded, gray fossiliferous limestones, the second unit (E2) consists of interbedded limestone and medium to thick clayey limestone beds; and, the third unit (E3) is composed of medium to thick bedded limestone with macrofossils. Microscopic examination of thin sections led to the identification of eight carbonate microfacies consist of two grainstone microfacies, two packstone microfacies, three rudstone microfacies and a floatstone microfacies. These microfacies deposited in different parts (mid ramp and beginning of the outer ramp) of a carbonate ramp with moderate to high energy. Comparison of calcimetery results with sedimentary environment results and microfacies showed that the distal portion of mid ramp had the best conditions and the outer ramp had the worst conditions to establish “calcium carbonate purity” in the carbonate rocks of this region.


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